Sunday, December 2, 2012

Top Five Problems Home Inspectors Find

What are the top five home problems that inspectors find? Having this information - whether you are a homeowner, a seller, or a buyer - will help you understand what to look for and where to spend your maintenance dollars after moving in. These tips will also allow you to negotiate a better deal if you really like the home. Here are the top five.

Dirty furnace filter and lack of maintenance. While some homeowners have a checklist for maintenance, 80% do not. I find furnace filters that have not been changed in years, and dirt buildup in HVAC (heating, ventilation, and cooling) components. I find piles of construction debris still lying inside the air supply vents. What to do: have your HVAC systems serviced twice a year by a professional. You can check and change your own filters each month.

Outside grading. 70% of the homes I inspect do not have a steep enough slope, or grade, to lead water away from the home in a heavy rain. If you wonder why you have a damp basement or crawlspace - this is the reason. The first 10 feet out from your foundation should drop at least six inches. This may not be easy to do here in the mountains where we place our homes into the side of a hill. What to do: install a drainage ditch on the up slope to lead water away from your home.

Missing or damaged gutters. Closely aligned with the grading problem above, gutters that are not functioning properly will introduce moisture into walls, basements, and crawlspaces. Mildew and mold follow, causing damage to materials, and introducing contaminants into the air that you breathe. What to do: Inspect your gutters and downspouts at least twice a year and make repairs. Make sure you observe what is happening in a heavy rain - your gutters may not be sized correctly.

Missing smoke detectors. 65% of the homes I inspect either do not have any working smoke detectors, do not have enough smoke detectors, or the detectors are not in the right places. Over 5000 Americans died last year in residential fires. What to do: check your home now. How many detectors do you have? Are they working? You can push the "test" button on each unit to see if it's working. What to do: Have several alarms on each floor of your house, and make sure they are audibly linked. Put them in halls and in bedrooms. You can buy wireless linked alarms on or at your favorite hardware store.

Missing insulation. 50% of the homes we inspect have missing or worn door gaskets, missing insulation barriers over attic doors, missing under floor insulation in crawlspaces, and no insulation in attic spaces. A home that is not insulated will cost a lot more money to keep warm or cool. What to do: Take a look at these areas: attic, crawlspace, doors or hatches to the attic, and windows and doors. You can add insulation batts and gaskets yourself, or have a qualified contractor review and correct these areas.

If you are buying a home and your inspector discovers some or all of these issues, you should negotiate a lower price on the home, ask for seller repairs, or keep looking. If you are in love with the home, at least you will know what needs to be done when you move in.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Home Inspection Reports Prepare Homeowners For Winter

Home inspection reports are thought of as only being for prospective homeowners, however having a home inspector come every few years to check the stability and efficiency of a home can save homeowners money in the long run.

One of the easiest ways to help homeowners save money is through Infrared Thermal Imaging Systems. These cameras detect hot and cold spots throughout a house. They not only reveal water leaks, but they expose air leaks. Leaks around doors and windows can spike energy bills. The leaks can be through the windows or around the frame of the windows. Oftentimes replacing single pane glass windows with double pane glass reduces heat loss in the wintertime. Another inexpensive solution is to install double cell window treatments or blinds. Some have sealing mechanisms down the side to prevent heat loss in the home.

The second crucial function home inspectors perform is a full fireplace and chimney inspection. This is a safety issue, as one of the most common causes of fires in homes with wood burning fireplaces is due to creosote build up in the chimney. Smoky fires or green wood being burned can cause this. Chimneys should be swept or cleaned annually. New homeowners may not think to check the chimney before burning wood for the winter. The same is true of wood burning stoves. A qualified home inspector will check chimneys, flues, dampers and associated components. They will also look at fireboxes, hearth extensions and permanently installed accessory components.

Manufactured solid-fuel or gas-burning appliances will be examined to ensure there are no gas or fuel leaks. Natural gas burning fires tend to be more efficient than wood burning and put less pollution in the environment.

These are just a few of the services that home inspections cover relating to winterizing a home. Heating systems are checked including heating equipment and operation using normal user controls such as thermostat controls. Venting systems are looked at to make sure there are no clogs in them that could back up the venting system. Combustion and ventilating air are looked at. Energy source and connections are included, as are heating distribution systems including a representative sampling of ducting, duct insulation outlets, radiators, piping system and valves.

A basic home inspection covers the roof to the foundation. Roofing issues in the middle of winter can be disastrous for homeowners and can cause them to have to temporarily relocate until repairs can be done.

Having a home inspection performed every few years on a property or home can be the difference between a safe, warm winter and a cold, frustrating one.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

What Is The Importance Of Getting A Home Inspection?

From the seller's point of view:

If a buyer is presented with a pre-listing home inspection report you can win the confidence of the buyer for you and your home. You can draw the attention of the buyer towards your home and they will be more interested in your home over other homes of the sellers who have not chosen to have an inspection done by Home Inspections Service.

A Professional Home Inspector will help you identify the problems that you may be unaware of before you decide to put your home for a sale in the market. If you are able to notice the imperfections of the house before listing it, you have the chance to repair it. As almost every house needs some or the other kind of addressing to make it perfect looking especially for the home that is been used for a while.

Being a seller of the house, you tend to be eager to sell your house as soon as possible. If you have skipped the home inspection process and issues arise while buyer shows some interest in your home and undertakes his own home inspection, then there could be unnecessary delay in the selling procedure. It could also deter the buyer from investing in your home if the problems are found. After realizing all these problems you decide to come to an agreement with the buyer and consider the repairing charges involved, this way you might get to convince the buyer and sell your house but it will take time and you end up dealing with the delay caused by the negotiation process.

From the buyer's point of view:

There are myriad benefits to the buyer for getting a home inspection done. You might like the home from its outer look and take its first impression to conclude that the home is good to buy, but it is a wise thinking to consider the aspects of the house that are less visible.

You need to hire a trained professional to do the inspection work for you. He will check every nook and corner of the house. This starts from inspecting the foundation and structural integrity of the house to doors, windows, roofs, walls, to electricity fittings, plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and every other important aspect of the home.


Once you are sure and satisfied with the condition of the home after reading the unbiased report presented by the inspector, you can go ahead and buy the home. Even the sellers have their own benefits of getting a Professional Home Inspections Service. I wish you good luck with buying and selling homes and hope you can find your dream home soon.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Why Do You Need a Professional for Property Maintenance?

A property, either residential or commercial needs maintenance. Depending upon whether the property is big or small you would need to take out time for its maintenance. If you are a person who is dedicated to real estate profession, then it's quite possible that you can find time to maintain your property. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to give time for property maintenance amidst the busy schedule of your office and home.

What is property maintenance?

Broadly speaking property maintenance involves complete upkeep of a building (residential and commercial) and the land surrounding it. This word is most commonly used by real estate people in context with leasing or renting of an apartment complex, house or an office building. Small residential properties are generally handled by individual families if they are living there. The need for a caretaker, property manager or landlord is felt when the property is too big and requires regular upkeep. The basic functions that are involved in maintenance of a property are repairing and cleaning of laundry room, foyer, and building's shared spaces that receive maximum footfalls. In case, the building is surrounded by garden, then maintaining the surrounding property area also comes under the duties of property maintenance such as salting walkways, shoveling snow, moving grass and painting outside facades and steps. Maintaining the plumbing and electric supply also comes under the duties of property manager.

How does a property manager help in maintenance?

If you have a small property area, maintaining it by employing a residential manager can be easily done. But then, you need to keep a tab on his working so that he works with full dedication and responsibility and warn him if he fails to complete certain duties. Again this calls for your personal attention. On the other hand when you make a contract with a property maintenance company, they will provide you with a property manager who is highly professional and knows all the latest laws and regulations, including the leasing, renting, and re-selling rates.

There are lot of legal hassles such as preparing documents and agreements for leasing, or renting, finding out tenants who pay on time and are well behaved, getting security deposits, deciding the amount of security deposit and also of the rent and so on. When you handover the job of maintaining your property to a property management company you are freed of all these worries. Moreover, with proper maintenance and upkeep, the value of your property keeps on growing in multitude.

It is not possible for a common man to be abreast with all the rules and laws of real estate and therefore you need a guide who can take care of all these hassles without causing any distress or problem for you. Handing over your property maintenance to a professional property management organization is the right step for assured upkeep of your property.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Tips to Hire a Good Home Inspector!

Once you decide on the budget, area and type of house you want to buy you need to hire a home inspector who will help you buy a home that is up to the mark. There are many things that need to be considered while buying a home so that you don't have to spend extra money after buying the house on repairs and other expenses. A Qualified Home Inspector will undergo a thorough home inspection and provide you with a detailed report of the findings both verbally and in a written format.

But the question is how to find a Licensed Home Inspector, where in some states it is not necessary for home inspections.

Here are a few tips that will help you find a good home inspector:

Full time inspector

First of all ask your home inspector if he is a full time inspector or a part time inspector. It is important to know that because this will help you to know how seriously he takes up his profession. For a Quality Home Inspection you need a full time home inspector.

Guarantee for the work done

Another thing that you need to know and ask your inspector is if he gives guarantee for the inspection and the report that he submits. This will help you to know how honestly the work is done by the inspector and you can rest assured that the inspector is good and confident about his work.

Sample inspection report

To find a good inspector you need to see the sample reports prepared by the inspector for other homes that he must have inspected. A good report contains twenty to fifty pages with color photographs of the defects highlighted. If an inspector is showing you a report of less than 10 pages then you must take that as a sign that the inspector is not qualified.


You must also know the charges that the inspector quotes for Home Inspections Services. Sometimes there are major problems quoted by the inspector that needs to be taken care of on a priority basis. When the sellers make the necessary changes and make the house as per the required standards you can ask your inspector to visit again and inspect. But it is important for you to know whether he will charge for revisit or not as some inspectors charge for re-inspection and some don't.

Certificates and Credentials

One of the best ways to choose a home inspector is by viewing his credentials and certificates. An ideal home inspector must be formally trained and must have a certificate of completion of licensing program. A good inspector also keeps updating his knowledge by participating in professional organizations and continuing education.


I hope these tips will help you find a good home inspector who gives honest, unbiased and straight forward report of the home inspection undertaken.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Importance of a Company Website for Home Inspectors

Successful companies need an online presence. Phone books are almost irrelevant and when a consumer is looking for a service they ask people they know and they search online. If they search online and don't come across your company, you have most likely just lost a sale to the competition. Creating a company website can be done easily and inexpensively and can serve as a great way to attract new customers.

A company website gives you a voice to clients you have not yet spoken with. In many cases, it is the first opportunity you have to make a good impression on a potential client. It is critical to have a professional looking website. You can decide what to include on your company website, but there are a few items that are must-haves. First, you need your contact information. Make it easy to find so that it is as easy as possible to contact you for an inspection. This includes a company phone, possibly cell phone, and an email address at the least. Some inspectors offer a way for their clients to schedule an inspection online. Second, you want to include a sample of your inspection report. Most clients will want to see what the report they will receive will look like, and this gives inspectors the opportunity to show off their great looking report. Third, you will want to include some information about yourself. This is an opportunity to tell a prospective client about the experience you have and why they can trust you to be a part of such a major decision in their lives.

It is critical that as you put together your website you are focusing on your potential clients. Make sure you build a website that will be easy for them to use, and easy for them to get the information they need. Keep this in mind when choosing color schemes and navigation methods. Just because the site is easy for you to use, and you understand how it works, doesn't mean that others will. It can be very helpful to have a few people not directly associated with the home inspection business give your site a 'test run' to see how easy it is for them to understand. Ask them for honest feedback and look for ways to make it easier to use.

Along with a company website, you may want to look into using social media as another tool to promote your business online. Some of the more popular social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Each of these sites offer their own benefits and you will need to decide which is right for you and your business. Keep in mind however, that a company Facebook page doesn't replace a company website. A Facebook page is a great way to connect with clients, but it should be used to serve a different purpose than a unique, company website.

A company website is a must have and should be treated as a vital part of any company's marketing efforts. Keep your website up to date and make sure it is easy for your clients to get the information they need, and ultimately choose you as their inspector. Don't give your competition an easy advantage.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Foundation Repairs and Residential Landscape

How foundation repairs relate to residential landscape?

Over the years, homeowners have heard many conflicting stories about how landscaping can cause foundation problems and induce foundation repairs.

Of course the benefit of landscaping are many and easily outweigh the potential negatives, specially if the landscaping is done with a correct plan. When homeowners plan the landscape, they should keep in mind the visible part of the landscape above ground but also what's under the surface, primarily the root systems.

Trees are usually the most significant element in a landscape design. They can greatly affect the residence's energy power consumption by providing shade and increase the property value. However, there have been studies where it has been proven that large trees' root system affect the moisture content of the subgrade and can cause foundation damage.

If the residence was built on land where the trees were already established and there was adequate watering after the foundation was put in place, there is a good chance to minimize impact by promoting root growth away from the foundation. When the homeowners water the tree, it should be done on the side of the tree away from the house so that the new roots will grow in that direction to satisfy the tree's watering requirements.

If the root system extend under the house foundations, it may be necessary to install a root barrier. When installing a root barrier, homeowners should place it as far away as possible from the tree in order to reduce the damage to the tree. The barrier should at least 4 feet deep and be made of a material capable of blocking the roots, typically reinforced concrete or corrugated hard plastic.

Sufficient watering is essential to the tree and to prevent foundation repairs. Always water the tree one the side away from the house if possible to encourage root growth in that direction. A local reputable nursery should be able to help with estimating watering needs.

Of course this is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to having a healthy and balanced environment around the house to prevent large soil moisture levels and therefore damaging the residence's foundations. Homeowners should inspect the slope of the yard, the gutters and downspouts and they sprinkler system to make sure all the components are working properly.

In a very expansive soil substrate, In the end, it is all about moisture levels and keeping them as constant as possible.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Why Are Home Inspections Necessary When Buying a New House?

When buying a new property, there are certain checks that should be done in order to know if you are getting what you have paid for. Structural defects and pest infestation are two of the most damaging factors that should be avoided when acquiring new property.

Building inspections could help in both building inspection and termite inspection that should be completed before finally purchasing any building.

Why do you need to have building inspections done?

If you are going to pay a lot of money for a building, you have to make sure that it is free from any faults that could cost you thousands of money for any future repairs. Structural costs are considered to be unbudgeted and can make you lose some of your hard- earned money in order to repair those faults. A quick visit by house inspections will help you avoid this kind of trouble. Because of their expertise, they can correctly assess the overall quality of the building and will it be wise to buy it or there may be a need to look for another else instead.

How about those who do not wish to buy a property, is there a need for their homes to be inspected?

Building inspections is not only for people who are going to buy a property. People who need to sell a building, especially a residential property, may also need the services of building inspections so that they can put up the best price that is fit for the property they are selling.

Any structural faults can greatly affect the price quotes of a building. It significantly reduces the value of the building. By having a thorough building and pest inspections done on the building will determine what needs to be repaired before putting it up for sale. The pests could be lurking within the house that may need to be exterminated first. A significant structural damage either caused by the natural process of wear and tear or by pest infestation may need to be repaired or renovated so that the property will still be desirable to the buyers.

Even if you are not either buying or selling your home, house inspections could determine if there are parts of the house that needs to be repaired or restored to its best state for the comfort of your family. The danger that surrounds a badly damaged building could be very costly in the long run and will affect all members of the family. Structural defects and other faults that can be caused by pests living in your house can be addressed right away if found earlier preventing further damage to the building.

By giving attention to your property's needs, you will not only increase its value should there be a need to sell it, you will also feel more secured living inside the building knowing there are no damage in it that could harm you and your family.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

It's Time to Give Your Room A New Look

Almost everything is going under transformation. Human mind is very innovative and creative. It keeps on constantly thinking on how to make the things more splendid and better. It has succeeded in giving new shape to different articles and completely changed its outlook. This is because people always want to add more impetus to their life. Right from the walls of the house, to its ceiling, flooring, the furniture and things of daily use; everything has undergone drastic changes. The mind has not stopped working here but is searching for new incentives to them more venerable.

Shades are available in different colors, sizes and shapes. Moreover their method of installation differs from one another. Another feature which distinguishes it from one another is the material they are made of. They may be used for different purposes. But one common point which is similar to all the shades is that they provide uniqueness to your room. You can make a choice according to your needs and also the budget.

Some common shades you would easily get in the market are top down bottom up cordless cellular shades. Cordless Cellular shades, double cellular shades, vinyl roller shade, Newport Light Filtering Shade, Soar Roller Shade and so on. Several types of Roman shades are also available. These are for sure make your room more sophisticated. Roman shades like classic, soft, flat, solar soft, relaxed Kinsale are all the different varieties of the Roman shade.

The shades can be easily installed. All you need to do is get the correct measurement of the window. You can also choose these shades according to the color of your room. It would enhance the beauty of the room. All the shades come with almost the similar features with only some slight difference between them.

Some of the features of double cellular shade include:

• They are wide shades and come with an option of connected shade.

• The shades operate independently

• It is basically useful for wide windows

• Provides sensuous look as available in different colors.

The shades are easily washable. You can wipe them with just a piece of cloth and all the dust will be removed.

Some basic characteristic of the vinyl roller shade are

* They are basically used for blocking the sunlight.

* They can easily go up and down because of the presence of the roller.

* You can adjust the height according to your needs

* They are cost friendly.

Those who have installed shades in place of the curtains have expressed their satisfaction over their decision. You can too experience the change in your surroundings. Just install a double cellular shade or vinyl roller shade and your room shall become more optimal.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Gas Safety Certificates

A gas certificate is a record which shows that gas appliances in the property mentioned are safe to use. The 1998 Gas Safety Installation and Use Regulations state that all landlords in the UK are required to maintain a valid safety certificate. According to the UK Health and Safety Executive, a person is considered to be a landlord if they own any land and rents or leases the property for a term less than 7 years, or under a license.

Landlords are required to obtain gas safety certificates in order to comply with common law and will need the certificate as a matter of preventing deaths and accidents, avoiding jail or fines, keeping low insurance rates, and avoiding major liabilities in the case of gas failure.

Besides renewing the gas certificate annually and providing a valid copy to the tenants, landlords are also required to keep a copy of each gas inspection report for a period of at least two years. If a new tenant occupies the residence within twelve months of the last annual inspection, the landlord is required to provide each of them with a copy of the gas inspection repost. When a new gas inspection has been performed all tenants of the property must be provided with a report of the check within 28 days.

Gas inspection check reports must be completed by an engineer who is registered with the Gas Safety Scheme, which standardises gas safety among appliances. Different engineers may hold different qualifications and the price for a safety certificate could vary. Most competent engineers are able to provide a valid landlords gas safety certificate. Brighton, Sussex, is home to a number of trustworthy companies who may be contacted to carry out a legitimate safety check.

The engineer will carry out a number of actions during a check. Some of these may include: checking the appliances for gas tightness, checking the burner pressure and gas rate against the manufacturer's guidelines, and checking for pressure and effectiveness of the stability brackets. During the test, the engineer will also be required to investigate any evidence of unsafe operation, in which case they must report to the person responsible. And finally, if the test points are available, they may check the standing and working pressure lines.

Once the check has been completed the landlord will be provided with a report. This report may either be issued as a gas safety report of a gas safety certificate, depending on the job completed. A gas safety report must include a number of information. As a minimum the report must contain:

Description and location of each appliance and/or flue which has been checked. The date on which the appliance and/or flue were checked. Name, registration number, and signature of the engineer who carried out the check. The address of the property at which the appliance and/or flue were checked. The name and address of the landlord, or his agency, of the property. Any defects identified during the check, and any action required or taken to fix it. A final confirmation of the results of operational safety checks which have been carried out on the appliances.

For those in need of a landlords gas safety certificate, Brighton, Sussex, includes a number of companies who are able to carry out a professional safety check and provide the certificate upon completion.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Voile Curtains for Exclusive Home Decor

Home furnishing play an important role in reflecting your choice of taste specially when it comes to décor. Your home furniture, rugs, couches, and especially the curtains give an aesthetic appeal to the house which is why people spend a lot of time and money in choosing the fresh designs. Curtains are something that can change the overall look of the house and are among the most reasonable and stylish of all interior decors. You can change them at regular intervals and give a whole new look to the house by making little amendments; the latest of all varieties is Voiles curtains which is a transparent material but can be used for privacy also by lining it with cotton.

The fabric is transparent, lightweight and gives you an overall appeal of a net fabric. It is made of twisted yarn that gives it a chic look and is highly used in the form of draperies because it can be gathered well to give a nice aesthetic appeal. If used alone, these voiles allow the luminescence to pass through panels but does a little filtering of light before it reaches you. It acts as a great medium to lighten the room and helps you use natural resources and save some electricity. You can easily make use of double curtain rods to enjoy both the features of the voile, used for its sheer look, also use it with a lining in case you need privacy and for giving a chic look to the room use the voile curtains alone.

It gives a traditional as well as a contemporary look, a feel of rich ambiance is guaranteed with these curtains. Available in various colors and patterns you can easily match them with your interiors. The most amazing feature of the voile curtain is the transparency and its light weight, you do not need heavy rods to hang them. Even modern wires, curtain poles or sleek rod can solve the purpose and the ideal look is in buying a long length so that you can make it flow and for an easy drape on the floor.

Voile also comes in combination with polyester and linen to give resistance and flexibility to the fabric that gives an all new texture to it. Tension rods are widely used to hang these draperies to offer trim and a lot of fullness. Voile is an ideal choice for curtains and doors; you can give a personalized look to your house by experimenting with the fabric and the color combination.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Why Is Property Maintenance Important?

A property is valuable as long as it is maintained properly and with great care. But there are times when the property gets neglected and can prove hazardous for the visitors, employees and residents. Real estate maintenance is thus, of utmost important for the safety of the people and also for keeping its value intact.

Responsibilities of property maintenance

• Even if it is a small home or a big office, each place has its own requirements and thus needs some amount of maintenance. Real estate maintenance entails taking care of all the internal as well as external areas. Some of the duties that come under it are:

• Taking care of all the plumbing needs such as leakages in taps of bathroom and kitchen and other places, replacing damaged water pipes with new one, ensuring that the water supply is regular and the water storage tanks are cleaned regularly and do not have any leakages. If the water supply is being made from a well, then it should be cleaned regularly.

• Property maintenance also entails the owner to take care of all the electricity related works such as checking the fittings, wirings and switches and replacing or repairing them if there is some problem. This is important because disruption in electric supply can cause lot of trouble and halt the work process. Similarly, damaged electric wiring is not secured and can sometimes prove fatal

• If the property has large spread of garden or open grounds, then it should be maintained. The landscapes and the flower beds should be regularly tended whereas the lawn must be mowed regularly. A beautifully maintained property always attracts buyers which also help you gain more prices when you sell it.

• Pests are a great menace and can damage the property. Termites, rats, mice are some regular pests that are needed to be eliminated from the property so that they do not cause any damage. Moreover, the damages done by them have to be taken care off otherwise the condition of the property deteriorates after some time.

• Real estate maintenance also requires you to check for any damages in the side walls such as cracks or plaster coming off and these should be immediately taken care of as neglecting such damages for longer period can lead to more hazardous consequences.

• Taking care of security of the property also comes under property maintenance. The fences and the main gate along with other entrance or exit places should be properly maintained so that the trespassers cannot enter the property easily.

It is not possible for a property owner to fulfill all these duties of Real estate maintenance along and the task becomes more difficult when there is more than one property to be taken care of. And hence, nowadays people take help of property Management Company to look after all the hassles related to property maintenance.

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Hiring a Mold Removal Company Versus DIY Anti-Mold Action

If you have mold issues in your home, hiring a mold specialist to deal with them is in your best interest. From detection to cleanup to prevention, find out why going pro is better than pursuing a DIY route in the case of mold.

Having mold in your home is awful. It can make things smell bad, it can damage your home's structure and your belongings, and it can cause or exacerbate a number of health issues, especially allergies and asthma. The good news is, though, that with proper attention, mold growth can be dealt with and order can be restored in your domicile. However, trying to combat it on your own is not usually a good plan. Professional removal companies are the best choice if you have mold growth in your home. They have the equipment, the skills, and the experience to tackle the existing mold growth safely and effectively, and they have the know-how to help prevent future growth from occurring.

You may discover you have mold growth in your home via sight. There's something about black spots growing on your basement walls that's a little hard to ignore. However, one of the nastiest things about growth is that you can't always see it with the naked eye. Sometimes mold grows within a wall structure or under another surface. You may simply smell a musty, moldy, or mildewy scent in a certain part of your house, but not know exactly where it's coming from.

This is the point at which you should call a professional. Successful mold care requires accurate location and assessment of a mold situation. Even if you can see some of the mold, it's important to get a pro in so that you can be sure that you've located all the growth. Otherwise, you may clean up one spot, but still suffer due to an area of growth that you did not know about.

A professional will be able to perform the necessary testing to find out exactly where it is growing, and exactly what type of mold it is. These mold tests will enable them to successfully combat the mold growth so that your home can be returned to a sound, healthy state. Even if this inspection turns up a larger problem than you anticipated, it's better to find it all in one go than to be plagued indefinitely by mold issues.

Testing and assessment, however, is only the first step in the cleanup process. Once the extent of the mold growth has been determined, it then needs to be removed. Professional remediation companies will be able to do this safely and effectively. Before starting any cleanup work, they'll seal off the area so that the spores are contained. Then, they'll perform the necessary mold remediation steps to rid your home of this unwanted addition.

These mold pros will also be able to determine the cause of the mold growth, and can help you take steps to prevent future growth from occurring. This might mean installing a dehumidifier in your basement to reduce moisture, or fixing a leaky pipe that you were unaware of. Whatever your particular situation, your local mold specialist will be able to help you get mold free and stay mold free.

In order to effectively combat growth, you should hire a professional. That way, you know that every step, from mold testing to mold removal, will be addressed, and that you will be able to enjoy a mold-free home from then on out.

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Radon Resistance Features and Detecting Test Interferences

One of the radioactive gases known to cause lung cancer is Radon which is released from breakdown of uranium present in soil or water. This gas seeps into your house from holes or cracks present in foundation and from well water & gets trapped inside the house. Any home can face this problem, be it a new or old house, drafty or fully sealed one, with a basement or without one.

Let us now go through the details of how to detect interferences while test is conducted for checking levels in the house, when a buyer can ask for new checks to be performed and the basic radon resistant features a house can have.

Detect interferences during test

Use motion detectors to know if device was moved or any other changes have occurred in the testing conditions. The proximity detectors are to be used to judge whether people are present in the room or not which can effect the results. Variation in results is possible due to weather conditions and checking barometric pressure can reveal such variations. Recording temperature will tell you if any door or window in the room was opened which caused interference. Achieve closed home conditions by applying seals on windows which are tamper proof.

When a buyer can ask for new test?

In some of the following conditions a buyer has the right to ask for a new check to be performed:

All the checklist items have not been performed. Checks had been performed more than 2 years ago. After the checks the house was altered and renovated, modifications like changes in HVAC system or alterations in the ventilation. Buyer would be staying at lower levels than what was tested in the house. If local government needs a disclosure from buyer at the time of purchase of house.

Features in a House for Radon Resistance

Let us now look at some of these basic features that the house can have to reduce the problem:

Layer under the flooring system provides gas permeability. Plastic sheeting to stop gas seeping into the house. Proper sealing for below grade openings at places such as walls & foundation. PVC vent pipe from layer for gas permeability up to roof for passage of gas out of the house.


Thus we have seen here that possibility of interference is more than likely during checks and you should know how to detect them. After going through the above sections you must be aware now of the features that your house should have to provide radon resistance and make it a safer place to live.

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